Local Access Numbers
Looking for internet access in West Michigan?
Here is a listing of Prime Access's local access numbers in the 616 Area Code.




616-Grand Rapids 1 281-7450 281-7450 455-7243 455-7243
616-Grand Rapids 2 281-7450 281-7450 235-7399 235-7399
616-Holland 1 355-2015 355-2015 355-0022 355-0022
616-Holland 2 355-7258 355-7258 392-7555 355-7258
616-Kalamazoo 353-6383 353-5600 353-4909 353-4909
616-Baldwin 745-7319 745-7349
616-Battle Creek 962-6883 962-6883 962-6264
616-Belding 794-2748 794-2097
616-Benton Harbor 927-5898 927-5898 927-5850
616-Big Rapids 592-3428 592-3428 592-4756
616-Cadillac 876-1978 876-1978 876-1912
616-Cedar Springs 696-8603 696-8602
616-Fremont 924-8600 924-8600
616-Grand Haven 1 850-8668 850-8668 842-9674
616-Grand Haven 2 842-9675 842-9675
616-Grant 834-9700 834-9700
616-Hastings 945-2154 945-2348
616-Ionia 527-2071 527-2076
616-Kent City 678-5150 678-3110
616-Lake Odessa 374-8799 374-8711
616-Manistee 398-0695 398-0694
616-McBain 825-2095 825-2094
616-Muskegon 739-0450
616-Niles 683-7315 683-7564
616-St. Joseph 428-8747 428-2701 *** see Benton Harbor
616-Traverse City 932-0076 932-0076 932-0075
616-Wayland 792-2600 792-8125 792-2600
616-White Cloud tbd-xxxx tbd-xxxx
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